While you don’t need to be buying or selling property to stay up to date with property prices and values, you shouldn’t make a move without being fully informed. We are pleased to say we are local market specialists, and we have helped many families buy and sell in the CF35 postcode. If you intend on making a move in the market, contact Hunters Bridgend, your local property market specialists.
The CF35 postcode area contains Bridgend, Pencoed, Coychuch, Llangan and Ewenny. There is a good level of diversity across the towns and village. No matter your budget, or what sort of local environment you are looking for, there is likely to be something of interest in this part of the country.
Stay in touch with local prices
According to Zoopla, the average price paid for property in CF35 in the past 12 months is £203,429. The average value of property in CF35 is £225,970. While average prices are essential, they don’t tell the full story. If you are selling your home in the CF35 postcode area, or you are keen to buy a home in the area, it makes sense to focus on a particular type of property.
The following information details the average price paid per property type in the CF35 postcode area:
· The average price paid for flats is £118,975
· The average price paid for terraced properties is £150,203
· The average price paid for semi-detached properties is £167,449
· The average price paid for detached properties is £257,629
According to Rightmove, the average price paid for property in the CF35 postcode area (as of September 2019, the most up-to-date month for Rightmove) is £201,490.
According to Zoopla, the average price paid for property in Bridgend in the past 12 months is £174,640, while the average value of property in Bridgend is £185,014.
The following information details the average price paid per property type in Bridgend:
· The average price paid for flats is £116,738
· The average price paid for terraced properties is £111,186
· The average price paid for semi-detached properties is £161,134
· The average price paid for detached properties is £255,935
Average prices are an excellent starting point, but whether you are buying or selling, there is a need to have accurate information for the property you are interested in. If you are selling your home, and it is far better than the average property, listing your home at the average price will do you a disservice. Alternatively, if your home is not as good as the average property, but you list it at this price, you may struggle to generate interest.
You must receive bespoke service when buying or selling, and we are here to assist you.
If you plan on selling your home in the CF35 postcode area, contact us, and we will arrange a property valuation for you. No matter whether you are buying or selling, we can assist you. We believe there is a lot to like about this part of the country, so if you need property guidance and advice from local experts, contact Hunters Bridgend.