Forest Hill Library Has Re-Opened

While it has been pleasing to see pubs re-open, many people are looking for more important local services to be available again. This is why news Forest Hill Library is re-opening from the 14th of July is positive news. The library will only have a very limited opening for now, but this is better than now.

For starters, the library will be available for click and collect on Tuesday between 10 am and 2 pm and again from Thursday between 3 pm and 7 pm. Anyone looking to reserve a book can do so via the online library catalogue by emailing or by calling 020 8314 8024.

Enjoy some new reading material

There will also be a lucky dip service on offer if you fancy any reading material. While there will be many people upset that a wider range of services are not available at this time, right now, it is good to have the local library back in any format!

Hopefully, it will not be too long until the Forest Hill library is able to operate in a more conventional manner.

There are many reasons to sign up with the Forest Hill Library, and if you haven’t done so yet, you should consider doing when it is safe to do so.

Benefits of joining your local library

There are many benefits to be gained from joining your local library, and if you need to be convinced of why you should join up, think about these benefits.

You get free books from your library

Okay, you don’t get to keep the books you take out from the library, but you get to read the content without paying a penny. This is the most obvious benefit of joining a library, saving you a considerable amount of money.

As you don’t have to pay for the book, you can try new authors or genres without worrying about wasting money. The financial freedom of exploring books which comes with a library card is a great reason to sign up with a library.

You have access to all manner of books

No matter what sort of book you are looking for, you should be able to find it in your local library. If you need a range of books for work, studies and entertainment, the library provides you with everything you need in one convenient place.

Also, if you are looking for books for the whole family, the library gives you everything you need. There is a lot to be said for finding all the books you need in one place.

When the Forest Hill Library re-opens, you’ll also benefit from features such as:

·         Classes, workshops and talks

·         A place to study

·         Internet access

·         Advice on what books will be of interest to you

We know it will take some time to move forward but seeing the Forest Hill Library re-open, even in a limited manner, is pleasing.

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